Friday, May 8, 2020

Part 4 Srange encounters.

"Strange alien

After reading of a spate of UFO sightings around Katoomba in Sydney's Blue Mountains, I decided I needed to visit the area for myself.
In late 1979 , accompanied by my younger brother David and a friend of his called Allan, the 3 of us set off to investigate.

We set off early in the morning from the Three Sisters Lookout for a 8 hour hike to a place called the "Ruined Castle".
It was real rough terrain with lots of uphill battles and slippery descents. I was only 30 & fit but found it tough going.

We arrived just before sundown and discovered that inside the "Ruined Castle" was a fresh water pool.

We built a small fire at the base of the "Ruined Castle"and boiled a Billy and decided we wo:uld take it in "turns" to act as "lookout" from the top of the castle.

The Ruined Castle

The castle overlooked a massive area known as the Jamison Valley and we could view the terrain for miles.

The Jamison Valley

For most of the evening we spotted numerous falling stars and distant "unidentified flying objects"  but nothing to get excited about.

It was around 4 am and we were sitting around our campfire having a Billy when suddenly out of the dark a "stranger" came walking towards us.
We were quite startled, he was around six foot tall and dressed in a black suit.

I thought to myself "what is this stranger doing at 4am dressed in a suit and 10 miles away from the nearest road and what did he want.?"

He stood about 12 feet away and said " we are on Private Property and we must leave".

He then turned around and walked off into the darkness.

We packed up our gear and decided to stay until after sunrise, we positioned ourself on top of the Ruined Castle.
Within a few minutes, we spotted this large silver disc rising up from the valley below. As it came to our elevation we could clearly see that it was a "flying saucer" about 60 feet in diameter.
As it hovered there, a 2nd craft appeared , then a 3rd, 4th and 5th.
A whole fleet of saucers hung in the sky before our eyes.

Within moments they flew off into the blue yonder and left the 3 of us speechless.

Today, in 2020 I believe the stranger was from the "Men in Black" & didn't want us there when the "fleet of saucers" took off because it suggested that an "underground alien base" existed nearby?
"Perhaps the aliens were using their "cloaking technology and disguising a nearby cliff face?".
The valley was too dense with trees for an "access area" to exist and a "cloaked cliff face" was ideal.
Unfortunately we didn't have a camera with us and smartphones didn't exist.

What took place was witnessed by 3 sane individuals and will remain in our memories forever.


Not these


As discussed in Parts 2 & 3 of my blogg, my earlier encounters with my "Alien" friend AOE involved having an "alien chip" planted in my forehead. It was used for "tracking" me and included a program called a "TRI".
The program stood for "Time Release Information" & was designed to release certain information at certain stages of my life.

AOE told me that " my
memories of earlier encounters had been blocked and their details would only be made available to me later in life".

Strange event 1998.

In 1998 I was at my home in Clovelly with a good friend Dave when suddenly there was a "flash and bang" inside my loungeroom. We were both startled and check the front window to see if a bullet or a projectile had been shot through the window. There was no damage and as we both stood there baffled Dave said " you are bleeding from a head wound". I felt my forehead and discovered blood streaming down my face. I went to my bathroom mirror and found a " hole right between my eyes". I placed a matchstick in the "wound" & it went in to my skull, around  5 mm.

All the electrical gear in my home was working ok, so their had been no power surge.
" Could it be that an alien visitation had taken place to remove " their implant " from my head?".

In my earlier alien encounters I had been given a TRI implant by AOE.

Space Brothers


In 1991 the memory of an "visitation" back in 1961 came flooding back to me. I was 12 years old and riding in the back of my father's car with my younger sister Kathy.

My dad's car 1961

We were driving along an unlit back road near Kingswood when suddenly  3 small beings appeared in the middle of the road.

The car came to a standstill and the 3 strange beings took me out of the car and led me up a dark track.
At the end of the track rested a strange floating craft and I was pushed inside.
I was placed between 2 of these beings whilst the other took over the controls of the craft.

Within moments we were airborne and flying to some unknown destination. After some time the craft landed on top of some mountain and I was ushered outside the craft.

Outside stood a huge round building that looked like a golf ball, with indents all around.
When I looked down, I could make out what looked like a small village miles below.

As I turned around to face the golf ball structure a doorway opened up and I walked forward and I stepped inside.

I was inside a long circular hallway and then the inner wall started to rotate until a new doorway presented itself.
I stepped inside the 2nd doorway and waited for a 3rd doorway to manifest.
After passing through several doorways I emerged into a circular room where a more "humanoid alien" sat awaiting my arrival.

He introduced himself as "AOE" and asked me to take a seat.
He asked if I remembered him from our 1st meeting 6 years earlier, I said that I had some recollections but thought it was just a dream.
He said that I was one of the "chosen few" to receive guidance in helping bring "awareness of their existence" to humanity.
He said " every decade he would make contact and instruct me on the path I must follow".
I asked him "where am I now? " to which he replied " on a mountain range in Europe, Earth".
He said his race possessed "cloaking technology" that allowed them to remain "invisible" to the outside world.

He said his race had lived on the Earth for thousands of years and were here before the Anunaki created homosapiens.

He said they mostly lived in underground and underwater complexes around the Earth.
. All above ground installations were hidden by their cloaking technology.

He said they were a peace full race but feared the human race because of their aggressive nature.
He said that the human leaders didn't want their citizens made aware of their existence and often shot down their craft and captured some of their race.
 Even with their superior technology it was dangerous for them to be observed in the skies without humans wanting to shoot them down.

He said " that in the future I would bring some enlightenment to many humans through stories and music".

( Remember I was only 12 at this time and had no idea what the future had in store for me).

I asked AOE " We're your born on Earth?"  He relied " I am one of many born here on Earth but my race comes from the Pleiades  Star System".

The Pleiades


Suddenly AOE stood up and said it was time for me to return home and he bid me farewell. He said we are watching you and we would meet again.

Watching you 

I stepped outside his abode, boarded the awaiting craft and before I knew it I was sitting on the back seat of my Dads car driving down this Dark country road.

After so many years the memory of the above encounter is still vivid in my mind.


In 1991 another strange experience took place right in my bedroom one evening. I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep when I looked up at the ceiling and suddenly I could see the sky and stars through the ceiling.

I began floating upwards and found myself high above my abode . As I ascended I could see all of my local area, then I could see all of Sydney, then all of Australia. I was out in space looking back on Earth and moving towards the Moon. Before long I passed the Moon and began heading to Mars.
Within a short time I landed on Mars at a place called Cydonia.

I found myself standing outside a huge pyramid structure and watched anxiously as a doorway appeared and I stepped inside.

I was greeted by a tall 8 foot humanoid whom summoned me to follow him. We walked down this descending corridor, then through a doorway and stepped into this large oval room. As I looked around I could see several Beings of various species mingling and chatting.

As I stood there slightly stunned, a Being came forward and as he got close I realized it was AOE.

He said " Welcome my friend, I hope you don't mind being taken from your bed, although you are still there physically. I brought you in your Astral Body and have democularized you to be with us. As you can see, there are a variety of Species here on Mars, with millions living in underground cities."

He continued " A long time ago, Mars was once where Earth is and Earth was once where Mars is. There was a Solar System quantum leap and both planets exchange places.
Over time gravitational fields within the solar system fluctuate and planets exchange their positions."

"This Solar System is small compared to many in the vast universe and life here is relatively young. There exists millions of Species in the known Universe, some just infants whilst many are advanced. Each species evolves over time and exist under constant change.".

He kept up with his barrage " Earthlings must learn to live in Peace or the current civilization won't survive. They will be prevented from colonizing others planets until they lose their aggression.
Here on Mars all species co operate with each and any disputes are settled peacefully through our governing council.
We are self sufficient and control our population growth according to our resources.
Everyone contributes and nothing is wasted. We obey the rules of our habitat and demonstrate respect for all living things.
Sexually we are FREE to be intimate with all genders and can only procreate with the Council approval."

To me what he was saying sounded like Utopia.

The conversation went for quite some time and ended with him saying " you may not remember all I have said but one day it will all reveal itself. Farewell for now my friend and we shall meet again sometime in the future".

I was then escorted to the outer door of the pyramid, from whence my journey back home began. As Mars grew smaller the Moon grew larger, streaming past the lunar surface and then plunging back to Earth. Before I fell through my roof I closed my eyes and a second later I opened them and there I was back at home in bed.

12th May 2020

As I've stated in all four of my "Alien aliens everywhere" bloggs I am unsure of the reality of all my encounters. They appear unreal and yet I believe they all took place.
These encounters took place nearly every 7 years since 1956 .

My next blogg, Part 5 will focus on some strange events that took place in 2012.

Science Fiction

End of Part 4


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