Revised Edition
May 2020
May 2020
Part Three.
In 1971 I experienced my 3rd remembered encounter with Beings not of this Earth and it happened in the remote outback of Victoria, Australia.
It was around 3 am in the morning and I had been stranded in the middle of nowhere by a man I had hitched a ride with.
I was hitch hiking from Melbourne to Sydney on a cold winters morning and the driver had to drop me at an country intersection miles away from the border town of Albury/Wadonga.
It was freezing cold, so I huddled myself under a big gum tree and tried to stay out of the chilli wind. There wasn't another car in sight and there wasn't much chance of catching another lift before nearly dawn.
It was a moonlit night and not a cloud in the sky and the entire heavens sparkled with stars . I looked across the road to a wide open flat field that bore few trees and contained only short tuffs of wild grass about a foot high.
Suddenly I became aware of a series of coloured lights that began to grow larger as it descended from the sky. As it drew to within 50 metres of me I could make out an "oval shape" as it descended to the ground. There was no sound as it touched down and the whole area became still and quiet as a mouse.
I was hitch hiking from Melbourne to Sydney on a cold winters morning and the driver had to drop me at an country intersection miles away from the border town of Albury/Wadonga.
It was freezing cold, so I huddled myself under a big gum tree and tried to stay out of the chilli wind. There wasn't another car in sight and there wasn't much chance of catching another lift before nearly dawn.
It was a moonlit night and not a cloud in the sky and the entire heavens sparkled with stars . I looked across the road to a wide open flat field that bore few trees and contained only short tuffs of wild grass about a foot high.
Suddenly I became aware of a series of coloured lights that began to grow larger as it descended from the sky. As it drew to within 50 metres of me I could make out an "oval shape" as it descended to the ground. There was no sound as it touched down and the whole area became still and quiet as a mouse.
As I stood up I noticed an opening in the undercarriage of the craft light up and then 3 strange familiar beings emerged and proceeded to walk/float towards me.
It had been 8 years since we had seen each other and they didn't look one light year older; amazing, out of this world.
They asked me to follow them into their "spacecraft" to share a hot cup of coffee with and it was NO Starbuck coffee but instead a Supernova. It exploded inside my mouth and mind as I took each small sip of this alien treat. I soon felt relaxed and all warm inside; I felt safe and happy to be sharing their strange company once more.
Bill and Ben kept poking me in the stomach and then backed away shy of my reaction. There was no need to speak as facial and body language totally expressed our delight to see each other again and our playful mood.
It was great to be inside their "home away from home" than be outside in the freezing cold huddled up to a tree.
AoE handed me what looked like a "cookie/biscuit" of some sort and told me that it would "fill me up" and "give me energy" for my journey. I thanked him and ate the item in 2 bites and within moments I felt elated and slightly high.
We enjoyed some small talk before "AoE" placed his index finger on my forehead and said that it was time for another "TRI" (time released information" implant.
The design of the "TRI Implant" can be found represented in the recent Crop Circles found in Britian. Nano cellular biochemical technology that incorporates quantum time sequencing and biological evolution. Nano electronics and nano chips shape the AI (artificial intelligence) world of tomorrow.
This time I felt a "flash of light stream before my eyes " and I sensed being connected to the Past, Present and Future.
Inside my head I saw a "RIVER OF LIGHT" flowing through me whereby Upstream represented the Past; the river in front of me The Present and the water downstream represented The Future.
River of Light.
AoE said we are "all the river and the river is one with the Past, Present and Future" and the Light is the Spirit within all creation. The river flows into the oceans of Time and Space where Collective Consciousness is stored for all eternity.
Nothing is ever lost or destroyed and all is held within the Conscious Mind of the planet.
"Mother Earth holds the memories of all the living creatures that have ever existed over the past 4.5 billion years including the 27 human/humanoid races that have existed on terra.
AoE said we are "all the river and the river is one with the Past, Present and Future" and the Light is the Spirit within all creation. The river flows into the oceans of Time and Space where Collective Consciousness is stored for all eternity.
Nothing is ever lost or destroyed and all is held within the Conscious Mind of the planet.
"Mother Earth holds the memories of all the living creatures that have ever existed over the past 4.5 billion years including the 27 human/humanoid races that have existed on terra.
AoE informed me "that some past civilizations on Earth were more advanced than the current batch of "homosapiens" but had either been destroyed by Climate change or Natural disasters. Some had developed technology that allowed them to play God until they accidently destroyed their race with their weapons of war. "
"Viruses and bio-chemicals killed off a number of past civilizations and outside help was needed to "decontaminate" the entire planet. On a couple of occasions it was " AoEs " race that we called in to "clean up the mess" and to help "re-seed" Mother Earth. "
I thank them for their kindness.
"AoE" continued to ramble on saying " the Earth was not always the 3rd planet from the Sun and once held the present orbit of the planet Mars. Mars once occupied the present orbit of Earth around the Sun and was the home of an earlier "humanoid hybrid" whom were created by The Gods millions of years ago. "
"Over centuries they developed into an advanced civilization before they interferred with the "electromagnetic fields" at the polar regions and which caused the planet to "flip out of orbit" and exchange orbits with planet Earth which occupied the 5th orbital position around the Sun.
"AoE" continued to ramble on saying " the Earth was not always the 3rd planet from the Sun and once held the present orbit of the planet Mars. Mars once occupied the present orbit of Earth around the Sun and was the home of an earlier "humanoid hybrid" whom were created by The Gods millions of years ago. "
"Over centuries they developed into an advanced civilization before they interferred with the "electromagnetic fields" at the polar regions and which caused the planet to "flip out of orbit" and exchange orbits with planet Earth which occupied the 5th orbital position around the Sun.
Quantum Leaps.
Like in the Quantum world, quantum leaps can take place with the planets in our Solar System and change solar orbits with each other.
Like planets, the Solar System evolves and changes form and composition just like galaxies within the universe. Everything evolves and changes over time and nothing stays the same.
Micro and Macro worlds co-exist in Time and in Space and mankind only occupies a Three Dimensional space on planet Earth.
The cosmic makeup of this planet contains 9 different "dimensional planes" which human are unable to perceive.
Micro and Macro worlds co-exist in Time and in Space and mankind only occupies a Three Dimensional space on planet Earth.
The cosmic makeup of this planet contains 9 different "dimensional planes" which human are unable to perceive.
Occasionally some humans have been able to penetrate some of these other dimensions and glimpse worlds and beings we couldn't even dream of.
Sometimes Beings from these "other dimensions" manage to slip into our 3 dimensional world through some "invisable portal".
Some planets have less and some more dimensions than Earth has and the entire known universe is teeming with intelligent living lifeforms.
AoE finished by saying " be the River of Light within and all that has been, is , and will be, shall be known to me".
Sometimes Beings from these "other dimensions" manage to slip into our 3 dimensional world through some "invisable portal".
Some planets have less and some more dimensions than Earth has and the entire known universe is teeming with intelligent living lifeforms.
AoE finished by saying " be the River of Light within and all that has been, is , and will be, shall be known to me".
Here I was at the age of 22 having a deep and meaningfull with an "extraterrestial" and his 2 buddies Bill and Ben in the middle of outback Australia.
" Streuth, core blimey, was this all fair dinkum?"
I knew I could "never" tell anyone about my "alien friends" without being laughed out of town and called a liar.
For over 43 years I have kept quiet and now feel as my own life draws to a close that its time to tell my story.
Many will dismiss my "revealations" as pure fantasy and hogwash whilst some may question its contents and draw some meaning from it all?
Very few will accept my story as actual fact and yes even I question whether it was real or not.
Over the years I have had so many "strange encounters" that defy an explanation and yet to me they were "real events".
Unfortunately my Alien friends are NOT going to come to my aid to proove my story and stories and therefore the reader must judge the "truthfullness" of it all for themselves.
Governments around the world continue to deny the existence "of alien extraterrestials and flying saucers" in fear that the masses will panic. They have known and been in direct contact with many of the "alien races" visiting Earth and of those living "amongst us".
Many will dismiss my "revealations" as pure fantasy and hogwash whilst some may question its contents and draw some meaning from it all?
Very few will accept my story as actual fact and yes even I question whether it was real or not.
Over the years I have had so many "strange encounters" that defy an explanation and yet to me they were "real events".
Unfortunately my Alien friends are NOT going to come to my aid to proove my story and stories and therefore the reader must judge the "truthfullness" of it all for themselves.
Governments around the world continue to deny the existence "of alien extraterrestials and flying saucers" in fear that the masses will panic. They have known and been in direct contact with many of the "alien races" visiting Earth and of those living "amongst us".
Many governments including America, Britian, Russia, Germany and Australia have been "secretly building Flying Saucer craft" since the late 1930 and some models proved highly successful.
Hitler had a whole fleet of Flying Saucers built before the end of the 2nd World War and he managed to use one such craft to escape to an country in Sth America, which I can not name for safety reasons.
For over 70 years some governments have kept hidden this secret spacecraft technology and continue their research and modifications in numerous "secret underground facilities".
Like the real "alien undergrounded bases", the government facilities are scattered across the globe and includes places such as "outback Australia".
I know of one such secret base located in the Blue Mountains and during the mid 1980s , myself and 2 others made a "secret visit" to this base before being "chased out at 4 am in the morning by a strange tall alien looking man/being."
More of this encounter will be revealed in a later Blogg and this time I have 2 other witnesses to confirm the event.
Not all of my "alien encounters" took place when I was alone , for many occurred with a number of other individuals present. This in a way proves that I'm not "delusional" or "insane" and clearly demonstrates that many of my "encounters" were "real physical events".
AoE bid me farewell and said we would meet again soon and I headed out of the craft and back to the side of the highway.
By the time I turned around, the craft was hovering in mid air. As it shot off into the heavens a car pulled up and offered me a lift.
Strangely the driver looked like a clone of "AoE"; only he was dressed in common human attire. He said joyfully" I'm going all the way to Sydney and I would love a little company on the way; does that suit you"? " Sure" I replied and hopped in the front seat with this friendly character and was truely grateful I had a lift all the way home.
We shared 5-6 hours of interesting conversations on a wide range of subjects and it almost felt like we had known each other a lifetime. It was sad to say goodbye to this "stranger" whom reminded me so much of AoE and he still lives in my memory today.
44 years later I finally sit down and write what I remember of that evening back in 1971 and I'm quite happy that my memories flow fluidly onto the page. I struggle not with what I remember but question what I may have forgotten.
Alien aliens everywhere
On the 13th of July 2019 my cosmic friend AOE visited me to tell me; " aliens on Earth are not trying to create an alien human through genetic engineering but instead are trying to create a hybrid that is a human alien. To survive they must find ways to adapt to Earths alien environment.
Like us, they want their race to survive".
AOE also said " the Grey's often seen by humans are wearing protective spacesuits and goggles and look much different out of their suits".
He also told me that much of his language was mostly composed of vowels; " a,e,I,o,u". He said many alien organizations can be identified with this in mind.
These new revelations certainly provides food for thought.?
End of Part 3.
All music and lyrics by Brian Cooper ( utaalk)
Features Matt Jones on guitar on "River of Life".
All other instruments and vocals by Brian Cooper.
(C) utaalk 2019