Revised Edition.
May 2020
May 2020
" Alien aliens Everywhere".
part two.
In 2012 I began having vivid lucid dreams where I was being abducted/ taken by 3 strange "alien beings". In the dream I was 7 years old and living with my parents and 4 siblings 12 miles north of a remote town called Bombala..
Our nearest neighbour was a mile away and my brother , 3 sisters and myself had to walk 2 miles to school 5 days a week. Through wind, rain, snow and heatwaves we walked to school and back most days.
There were only 20 students in the entire school and only 3 in my Class; therefore I was always in the Top 3 of my exams.
Outside of school we played in the great outdoors; fresh air and no noise pollution.
Dad took us all hunting rabbits, wild pig, kangaroo and ducks and we scourged around for wild fruit, berries and mushrooms. It was a great place to be raised as a child and I have fond memories of this period of my life.
In my dream "I wake up one night and wander outside and come across these " 2 strangers" whom "takes my hands" and leads me into this "shiny room" inside another "shiny round glowing ball".
Dad took us all hunting rabbits, wild pig, kangaroo and ducks and we scourged around for wild fruit, berries and mushrooms. It was a great place to be raised as a child and I have fond memories of this period of my life.
I wasn't scared because I thought that maybe I was "dreaming it all" ; it wasn't real and I would "wake up" soon. (still waiting?).
In front of me was a "video screen" that displayed images of an elevation into the sky and then images of town lights were shown as the "flying saucer" picked up its speed. Images of water and then white snow/ice appeared before images of "coloured lakes" scattered the landscape. I could "feel" the deceleration" of the craft as it entered a "tunnel" into the inner earth.
The craft settled back on terra firma and I was taken through a doorway inside a stonewall and led down a spiral stairway into the depths of the Hollow Earth.
All the walls had a soft glowing light to them and it seemed like i "floated" all the way down the vast spiral stairway.
Within moments I found myself entering a huge open space which was occupied by around a dozen strange alien beings."
Alien aliens everywhere.
Remember folks I was 7 years old and "everything" was "real" in my life and I was "absorbing everything" around me .
The voices inside my head I sensed were coming from a tallish being standing right in front of me but his/her lips weren't moving. The face was non threatening and he/she appeared to be smiling with its thin lips.
Whilst he was talking to me telepathically, it appeared like I was also "picking" up his/her thoughts at the same time.
Finally I heard the being say "My name is AoE and I am the Captain of my Fleet Command" and I wish to convey some information for you".
He then leaned forward and placed his index finger in the middle of my forehead. I felt a strange warm tingling race through my head and then throughout the body and for a few moments I was "someplace else".
Finally I heard the being say "My name is AoE and I am the Captain of my Fleet Command" and I wish to convey some information for you".
He then leaned forward and placed his index finger in the middle of my forehead. I felt a strange warm tingling race through my head and then throughout the body and for a few moments I was "someplace else".
George Harrison
He rambled on about "TRI", (time release information) which would be "triggered on" at certain stages of my life to assist my "Esoteric Understanding".
(Sounds like a slow working dope which I can often be)
Perhaps the "information" he conveyed to me was finally "released" to me during these dreams in 2012?
Children of the Sun
The Chosen Children would be "enlightened" to shape future events on planet earth and help ensure the survival of the race.
The Shape of things to come would revolutionize the human race and one day the human race would return to its original cosmic home.
I was floated back up the spiral stairs and into the "saucer craft" and before I knew it I was back in bed, warm and cuddled up to my siblings.
These spiral stairways leading to the "underground base in the antartic" have appeared in several dreams over the past few years which may suggest that I have "returned there to visit AoE on many occassions during the years?"
In these dreams, I am Alone and find my own way down into the facility which may suggest either Teleportation or Astral travel?
Astral Travel is the same as Remote Viewing, which is where an individual "leaves their body to view a certain location and to then detail what they have seen".
I guess I shall have to write a Blogg on my experiences in this area as I have a number of interesting "journeys" i took to tell you about.
AoE said that " Understanding the nature and purpose of life can not be achieved in one lifetime and oftens takes many incarnations before one fully understands its meaning". He further said; " The age of ones Soul determines the Wisdom within and the deeds we do determines the karma we inherit or create."
Our mind communication went on for several more minutes before AoE told me it was time for me to return home and that one day or night in the future we would meet again.
These spiral stairways leading to the "underground base in the antartic" have appeared in several dreams over the past few years which may suggest that I have "returned there to visit AoE on many occassions during the years?"
In these dreams, I am Alone and find my own way down into the facility which may suggest either Teleportation or Astral travel?
I have done studies and experiments with Astral Travel in my past and visited many places I have never been to physically, to places on Earth and nearby planets. Some of these experiments were shared with other participants and provided some interesting results.
Astral Travel is the same as Remote Viewing, which is where an individual "leaves their body to view a certain location and to then detail what they have seen".
"In the morning I think I told my mum and dad and my siblings about my strange "visitors" and they said that I must have been dreaming; it was just a dream."
No 9 Dream
Perhaps it was all but a Dream or a fantasy at play, but its strange that these "events" only surfaced in my dreams in the year 2012.
I remember now that 2012 marked the end of the "Mayan Calender" and the beginning of a "New Age". Yeah it took place on 21-12-2012 .
Perhaps that "TRI " given to me by AoE CLICKED OVER inside me and presented me with the "memory and information" implanted way back in 1955?"
Perhaps that "TRI " given to me by AoE CLICKED OVER inside me and presented me with the "memory and information" implanted way back in 1955?"
In 2012, I set up a small 24track portastudio in a bedroom and recorded a song titled "TAKEN" based on these childhood experiences.
I supposed I could dismiss such experiences as pure "flights of fantasy/ fictional and not real" but when they have continued to take place in my life for the past 60 years I must question whether they all could be "unreal". ?
Perhaps the "Dark Matter" within my own brain is the same as the "Dark Matter" within the universe and is where all the answers to the questions on creation lie?.
So much happens in all our lifes that we cant explain and many experiences appear "unreal and other worldly". Ghosts, Spirits, Angels and Aliens are Everywhere .
Paranormal experiences are a normal occurance for most of us; acts of Telepathy, Deja Vu and Premonitions saturate the fabric of our world. Dimensional overlaps; time shifts; Portals and parrallel worlds are all around us and yet many live their lifes as "blind sheep" and know nothing of these realities.
I wrote the words and music and play all the musical instruments on the song. All the vocals are mine and I sound engineered the mix and production.
Returning to my earliest "alien encounter"; I question whether it ever took place and if it did; then for what purpose?.
Perhaps somewhere within the 90% of my brain I dont use there lies the answers to all my questions?.
I am restricted by my genetic make-up to "understand" all the things i experience as I journey through this life.
So much happens in all our lifes that we cant explain and many experiences appear "unreal and other worldly". Ghosts, Spirits, Angels and Aliens are Everywhere .
All my life Ive been told what "to believe", "how to feel" and "what to think" and how to live my life.
Well fuck you all whom think you are the "normal ones" for I exist outside all boundaries and restrictions as I live in my Esoteric Universe .
Well fuck you all whom think you are the "normal ones" for I exist outside all boundaries and restrictions as I live in my Esoteric Universe .
In my world there is "no room" for manufactured Fantasy figures such as "Santa Claus", "Tooth fairies" and "honest Politicians" whom work their webs of deception into our lifes.
Somewhere way back when I was 6 years old I was "enlightened" by a strange "alien encounter" that would shape the way I think, feel and see the world I live in today.
Today I am an independant Single male living One Day at a Time and sharing my love, light and wisdom with all those whom cross my path.
"I am here, where are you?".
"I am here, where are you?".
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