Monday, August 31, 2015

Part 1 Alien aliens everywhere

"Alien Aliens Everywhere". 


Calling Occupants 

My 3rd Alien encounter took place in 1963 when I was 14 in the western suburbs of sydney. I was living in Francis St, Cambridge Park/Kingswood which adjoined the Government Ammunition Factory, where my father worked on classified missile designs. The area was fenced off and patrolled by security; "unauthorized entry" meant a long prison sentance.

I remember my father taking me to a Christmas function at his workplace and we travelled around on little carriage train which tooks us around the facility above ground and through tunnels underground. Much of the secret work was done underground and the place was a "strange alien environment" for me as a youngster.

My father never talked to anyone about his work and I suspect that he had a good reason for remaining quiet on the topic.

One evening just after sunset, a friend of my brother Graham called by to show off his first car and wanted to go for a drive and maybe check out this old house that people said was haunted. The house was over 100 years old and was reported to be the home of Governor Macarthur at one time. It was also part of a "Penal Colony" way back in time and some of the prisoners were "Hanged" there from the Hanging Tree; which still stood on the property.

Myself, my brother Graham jumped into Johns new car and off we drove down the road to the Haunted House and parked 200 yards away. There was no street lighting and it was a dirt road ; it was eerie and dead quiet.

As we sat in the car, we noticed a "strange ghostly figure" appear in a window of the first floor and which began pacing backwards and forwards in the window. No lights had been switched on in the room where this apparition paraded before our eyes; we were mesmerized.

Suddenly on the opposite side of the car a "bright blinding light" lit up the landscape and our attention was drawn to this strange happening. The "glowing light" was about 50 yards away and "hovering" about 20 feet off the ground.

Suddenly the light went out and for a few seconds all we could see was a "dark oval object" floating in the air. Moments later 3 lights came on around the "outside of the craft" and "movement" could be seen through these 3 portholes/windows.

There was "no sound" as Ithis "alien craft" rose up into the air to a height of around 90 feet and proceeded to move towards our location and above our car.
 As it came towards us, we noticed a "beam of light" shining down from the centre of the underbelly. It passed overhead and we could all see that it was no airplane/ helicopter or aerial vechicle we had ever seen before. It was a "real Flying Saucer" and we couldnt believe what was happening. As the UFO gained height, it headed south east towards St Marys and we decided to try and follow it in the car but lost sight of it within 1 or 2 minutes.
Im sure when we got back home we told our parents of our experience and nothing more was said about it after then.

Alien face 2012

This was what I believed my 1st encounter with an "alien UFO" and just one of the many "alien encounters" that would tresspass my life ahead.

Around 2012 I had a number of strange dreams revealing 2 earlier encounters, the 1st being at the age of 7
I was living in Bombala NSW on a remote property 20 miles outside Bombala.

One evening I woke to a bright light outside my bedroom and got out of bed to take a closer look. I opened the back door and saw this strange craft  in the back yard.

 Suddenly 2 small beings appeared and summoned me to come to them, which I did.
They took me aboard their craft and took me for a short ride. They spoke to me inside my head and I understood what they were saying.
They returned me home and said they would visit me again.
I returned to bed and fell asleep.
( Further details of this are revealed in Part 2 of this blogg.

Some years ago, my late Sister Kathy told me that when we were living in Francis St, Kingswood during my he early 1960s one night she and our younger sister Christine got up out of bed late one night and went outside to use the outside toilet. She said, there in the backyard a "strange round shaped craft" stood hovering just above the ground". Frightened they both ran back to their beds and hid under their blankets.

So very early in our lifes, 4 children of the Cooper family were "exposed" to UFOs and possibly "alien beings".

Looking back now, the whole series of events could read like an "X Files" story whereby "the father was involved with secret Governmental work and his children were plagued by alien visitations".

We lived alongside a remote Government Installation and at the time  many such installations received visits from "ufos- alien crafts".
Something "unearthly" was present in our skies and "strange alien beings" were exposing themselves to "human contact". 

Children were targetted by these "alien beings" as they were more "open minded" than adult humans whom tended to react to an encounter with a defensive aggressive response.  There are hundreds of cases, maybe even thousands of cases of mature Human beings claiming to have had "alien encounters" during their childhood.

Perhaps as children, we mistake Fantasy for Reality? but i doubt that everyone can be remembering a childhood Fantasy.
My own experiences still appear REAL and vivid in my memory after the initial encounter more than 50 years ago. I have a reasonable good memory and I exercise my brain everyday to keep it functioning in top condition.

. I do quizzes, read many books and meditate; I like to "feel awake" as I journey through each new day.

The things I have learnt from my strange encounters throughout my life are many and I could sit down and tell you much but it would take the rest of my life to do this.
"Will what I have learnt change anything in this world and will anyone heed to what I have to relate?"

I am a voice in the wilderness; a tree in a forest and a fish in the sea.  My story is just One of several Billion on this world and my story is no more important or relevant as theirs.

 Life experience is both an individual and collective experience for we share the same "cosmic genetic material". We are all related and share "many lifetimes" together; here on Earth and in other dimensions.

If we are NOT all from the same "homosapien genetic blueprint" than this suggests that either "God" or "Aliens" created many different "genetic hybrids" throughout the history of planet Earth.

. I believe that my old friends "The Annunaki"   have been busy over the years making "modifications" to their hybrid creations.  

Biblical stories speak that "the angels saw that the daughters of man were desireable and bore offspring to them".

Calling all Angels

"Were these Angels really Aliens from another world or planet whom came to Earth to seed the planet with their "genetic" creations and whom would later "create hybrids" by procreating with their original homosapien creations."?

Each ancient civilization have stories about their "contact" with the Gods and visits from "strange Aliens from the skies or heavens". For thousands of years these stories have fallen on deaf ears and instead most have been brainwashed to believe in the unbelieveable biblical story of Adam and Eve.

These many stories speak of THE GODS, plural not singular and suggests that there are many Gods/Aliens creating life throughout the infinite universe.

The human race is still in its infancy in its understanding of "Esoteric knowledge" and is being restrained from growth by its outdated beliefs and customs.

It would be many years later, in fact, in 2012 that "hidden memories" of meetings with "alien beings" during my childhood would come to the surface.  These memories include "alien abductions" and "visits" to "alien worlds" and planets within our Solar System.

Looking back at these many strange encounters I still question "whether they did really happen?" or are they just a figment of my imagination?.

Alien aliens everywhere



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